Wednesday, December 19, 2007

Animal Rights Needs a New Paradigm. . .

Well here it is: It's called "The Dolittle Project."

Before proceeding, it should be mentioned that the information below was posted on the net years ago. A press release was sent to every animal rights group that could be found. Not one of those groups contacted us for further information. Even after sev
eral radio interviews, including one on the BBC, The Dolittle Project failed to garner any outside moral or material support. In such regard, history will note that we are in good company.

The "project" has progressed far since then; and so we are reaching out, once again, in hopes of contacting some like-minded people.

The Dolittle Project promotes the development of a radical new invention that will enable animals to actually talk using human speech. This project will empower some of our fellow earthlings to directly communicate with the Human Race. Once animals are able to speak our languages they will be able to lobby by themselves for their own animal rights. This will initiate a planet-wide shift in humanity’s consciousness. When animals themselves are finally able to speak out in a way that is both human-like and thought-provoking, then their new voices will also touch the consciousness of those humans who otherwise would never have been able be able to listen to what the animals have to say.

The world will listen when a dog says to a cosmetic company’s president, “Don’t dare use animals for your horrible experiments!” Given the way we humans still treat one another, we may not heed right away, but at least we will listen.

Once animals are able to unequivocally speak out for themselves, we will witness a new historic epoch, during which the benefits of our multi-species civilization will become more equitably distributed across species lines. Hopefully, this will also render our civilization more acceptable for future integration into benevolent, extraterrestrial communities.

I do not know in advance whether I will receive moral support from other animal welfare groups. Ideally, they should help open the way for animals to be able to self-advocate; humans should not attempt to retain the exclusive authority to promote animal rights and welfare. That would be anthropocentric, and antithetical to the eventual establishment of true animal rights.

1 comment:

R. Anthony Lee said...

I just realized (9 Jan 08) that the "Robert" who posted comments on my "Bah, humbug!" last month is none other than the old (or then much younger, like myself) Green Monkey of Magnolia Ridge--a monkey living in a hole in the ground covered by a teepee. So you've discovered the blogosphere, too! Weird fucking world, innit? What could we have done if we'd had this tool 30 years ago?!

Communicate to if you want to catch up, you old fart.